Thursday, April 30, 2009

In Finland, there is no problem with there Networks, service is good, Cant see the cell towers, There is no discounting of phones, the price is the price.There is no lock ins. Most voice communications Business to Business is Cell to Cell, Cell phone calls are cheaper than land line calls. The Telkom operator in Finland is struggling to stay afloat. It is is not propped up by misguided legislation. Telkom South Africa is Top heavy, It should be broken up into little pieces, like they did to the Bell corporation in the USA No one can make a decision, from their call centre up, They take your money and if something go's wrong and if it does not appear on the set of answers of the call centres clerk answer sheet, We have something like George Orwells" Future Shock"

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

Health officials around the world are struggling to contain swine flu, which can prove fatal to humans. AFP reported on Tuesday that with the likely death toll in Mexico, the epicentre of the outbreak, now standing at 152, the World Health Organisation raised its flu pandemic alert level from three to four, although experts noted the situation has not reached pandemic levels.


Dear Mr September

In late 2007 (Between October to December) we were moving from Kelvin Sandton, we went to your Rosebank service centre and applied for a ADSL line for our new home in Rouxville Johannesburg, By the time we had moved in, in February no ADSL service was installed after numerous calls to your 10219 number and Visits to Rosebank.

We were told by your staff that there was a shortage of ADSL "circuits" in our which has now become an urban Legend.

Any way on the 3rd March 2008 I had a bad fall and was hospitalised and left the provisioning of Telecoms to my Wife Margot.

At the suggestion of our neighbors we were told we would never get an ADSL line, "if you want one cancel your application., Apply for a normal line and then reapply for an ADSL line which my wife did" Not legend and you know what we got the ADSL line.

Now please note we were very confused and sort of happy and relieved in way after being constipated communicatively wise if you get drift.A couple of months later, and a staggeringly high amount to on my "pay as you go" phone bill.

But This is not Where my problem Starts or ends

Learning from BAD experience we applied for BLOCK CALL PLUS

On the first ADSL line that was not delivered and on 011-640-xxxx and 011-640-xxxx

I have complained continuously about the cell phone call s on these lines that should not have been allowed be cause the Block was not working.
The Block call fails to block calls.
The Block department has even past credits.
There is a fault in the System.
I notified each person that the Block call does not when reporting the complaint
I have had it investigated by a Maria in December, but I believe that she did not understand what was get to.
The lines have been wet and cables have replaced twice.
There has been earthing problems from your side and two modems have been replaced
One ADSL Filter has been replaced.
I have heard other people talking on my line and when I put the phone down they carry on talking and can then dial on the line.
The matter has been reported 5 times.
I am out of pocket +/- R 4500.00 excluding interest and the cut of cost. I pay because I have no choice However I have no come to you .

You might ask why I took so long because I have been in and out of hospital since February 2008 until March 2009.

I find it difficult to visit you service centre as I am in constant pain. Due to the accident I have lost the use of my Left arm/hand and my
Knees were also injured but not so badly.

I was promised a call back from a manager at the call centre with 10 minutes an hour ago

I Would be obliged if you would reconnect the lines. ( I know I owe you less at this juncture)

After scrutinizing the Account over a period of time several credits in my favour had to be made.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Dave Wailer
Husband to Mrs MD Wailer

Through Technology
Mrs MD Wailer
23 Roux StreetRouxvilleJohannesburg Gauteng 2192 South Africa
Daves Green Watch

Wilkins ice shelf set to collapse20/01/2009 10:12 - (SA)

Wilkins Ice Shelf - A huge Antarctic ice shelf is on the brink of collapse with just a sliver of ice holding it in place, the latest victim of global warming that is altering maps of the frozen continent.
"We've come to the Wilkins Ice Shelf to see its final death throes," David Vaughan, a glaciologist at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), told Reuters after the first - and probably last - plane landed near the narrowest part of the ice.
The flat-topped shelf has an area of thousands of square kilometres, jutting 20 metres out of the sea off the Antarctic Peninsula.
But it is held together only by an ever-thinning 40km strip of ice that has eroded to an hour-glass shape just 500 metres wide at its narrowest.
In 1950, the strip was almost 100km wide.
"It really could go at any minute," Vaughan said on slushy snow in bright sunshine beside a red Twin Otter plane that landed on skis. He added that the ice bridge could linger weeks or months. Size of Jamaica
The Wilkins once covered 16 000km². It has lost a third of its area but is still about the size of Jamaica or the US state of Connecticut. Once the strip breaks up, the sea is likely to sweep away much of the remaining ice.
Icebergs the shape and size of shopping malls already dot the sea around the shelf as it disintegrates. Seals bask in the southern hemisphere summer sunshine on icebergs by expanses of open water.
A year ago, BAS said the Wilkins was "hanging by a thread" after an aerial survey. "Miraculously we've come back a summer later and it's still here. If it was hanging by a thread last year, it's hanging by a filament this year," Vaughan said.
Nine other shelves have receded or collapsed around the Antarctic peninsula in the past 50 years, often abruptly like the Larsen A in 1995 or the Larsen B in 2002. The trend is widely blamed on climate change caused by heat-trapping gases from burning fossil fuels.
Warming to blame
"This ice shelf and the nine other shelves that we have seen with a similar trajectory are a consequence of warming," Vaughan said.
In total, about 25 000km² of ice shelves have been lost, changing maps of Antarctica. Ocean sediments indicate that some shelves had been in place for at least 10 000 years.
Vaughan stuck a GPS monitoring station on a long metal pole into the Wilkins ice on behalf of Dutch scientists. It will track ice movements via satellite.
The shelf is named after Australian George Hubert Wilkins, an early Antarctic aviator who is set to join an exclusive club of people who have a part of the globe named after them that later vanishes.
Loss of ice shelves does not raise sea levels significantly because the ice is floating and already mostly submerged by the ocean. But the big worry is that their loss will allow ice sheets on land to move faster, adding extra water to the seas.
3°C warmer
Wilkins has almost no pent-up glaciers behind it. But ice shelves further south hold back vast volumes of ice.
"When those are removed the glaciers will flow faster," Vaughan said.
Temperatures on the Antarctic Peninsula have warmed by about 3°C since 1950, the fastest rise in the southern hemisphere. There is little sign of warming elsewhere in Antarctica.
BAS scientists and two Reuters reporters stayed about an hour on the shelf at a point about 2km wide.
"It's very unlikely that our presence here is enough to initiate any cracks," Vaughan said.
"But it is likely to happen fairly soon, weeks to months, and I don't want to be here when it does."
The UN Climate Panel, of which Vaughan is a senior member, projected in 2007 that world sea levels were likely to rise by between 18 and 59cm this century.
But it did not factor in any possible acceleration of ice loss from Antarctica. Even a small change in the rate could affect sea levels, and Antarctica's ice sheets contain enough water in total to raise world sea levels by 57 metres.
About 190 nations have agreed to work out a new UN treaty by the end of 2009 to slow global warming, reining in emissions from burning fossil fuels in power plants, cars and factories.
- Reuters -->

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Facebook | Home

Facebook Home: "Have you heard of South African Economic Empowerment its the new movement where every citizen has a fair chance at improving themseleves and the ecconomy, unlike the old system of BEE where grants were given to individuals, the funds in some cases if not most were never paid back and the projects never to of the ground. The SAEE is new BEE is dead."

Monday, April 27, 2009

Diabetes Development NIBGM (Non Invasive Blood Glucose monitor project)

There are approximately 220 Million diabetics in the world; the disease afflicts people from all ethnic, racial and religious backgrounds. The average increase yearly of Type II diabetics is around 10%. Whether Insulin or non-insulin dependent the current means of in home, doctors practice or clinic testing is the use of small hand held Glucometer. The process requires that the patient prick their finger to obtain a drop of blood, this is applied to an expensive single use test stick that is inserted into the Glucometer, the Glucometer gives back a reading in mmol's or dl's depending on the weights and measure system used in your country.
The Income from the Supply of Glucometer and the single use test strip business is in the several billion-dollar regions. The average cost of a blood Glucometer ranges from South African currency R 350.00 to R 950.00, Strips range from R 250.00 to R 350.00 per pack of 50; chronic diabetics test their levels on average 5 times a day. This cost places a heavy burden on state and privately funded medical institutions and has a direct effect in increasing the overall costs of HMO’s and medical aids, not to forget the cost to the patient at approx. R4000.per annum.
There are no more than 15 major manufactures of invasive testing Glucometers. It should be noted that for comprehensive and proper management of blood sugar levels, patients need to test their blood sugar levels, this is not being accomplished by lower and lower middle class populations around the world, due to the high monthly costs.

Extrapolation: Annual cost For Test Sticks and Needles R 7245.00
This does not include the purchase of the out of date invasive Glucometer.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved NIBGM Project 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Description of Research and Development Idea/Invention/Innovation

Conventional Glucometer measure blood sample, by an electrochemical process or by using an infra red light source sent through an opaque medium.
This concept is simple, use a light source that will be sent through human tissue; prick a finger or an earlobe, and when the light comes out of the tissue to count the photons and predict reliably using mathematical formulae’s, the Glucose level or for that matter any Molecule, Element in the test subject.
I am a member of the insulin resistance movement. I come from a middle class white South African background and I am struggling to cover the monthly costs of this disease. Diabetes like HIV/Aids does not care whom it afflicts. You can come from any ethnic background and acquire the affliction. Diabetics are financially stigmatized by being limited from obtaining life assurance, driving a car, or maintaining a job, obtaining social grants or support, and the cost of medicines or measurement devices and monthly maintenance of Glucose test sticks. Patients with disease are unable to monitor their level if they are under the medical supervision of the state, the health system just does not have the budget to cover the cost of test sticks. People are dying from diabetes due to a number of factors:
Lack of knowledge and unable to recognize the symptoms
Bad Management of the disease because of bad nourishment.
Bad Management of the disease because the patient can’t afford modern testing equipment

The Device will be hand held and run on Batteries some of the features include:-

No monthly overhead.
Reduces the chance of infection
Cost of unit subject to large-scale production around R 2900.00 each
Simple to use
Can work on rechargeable batteries
Can link to a Medical Practitioner or users PC via USB port for down loading of blood readings
And can be recharged from the via a USB port.
Easy to operate, just insert finger into receptacle.
Small in size using Risk processors.
Unit’s internal software can be upgraded via the USB port.
An added feature of the device is it could detect pulse, body temperature and blood/oxygen levels.
Results in less than 20 Seconds.
Memory enough to hold more that 1000 samples
Multilingual Graphics Display

Glucose Meter System Description
A new Glucose Meter is a micro controller controlled, battery operated hand held device that measures blood glucose by quantifying Photon emissions using a proprietary spectrometer. Typical meter hardware includes a standard microcontroller that includes an LCD driver, a serial EEPROM, and an analog CPU that is 16 Bit. The CPU provides Spectrometer Interface, Power Management, Real-Time Clock (RTC), and Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC) functions, and is controlled by the microcontroller through a parallel access port. The meter can be powered by a single Lithium battery power source. The capability of powering from a single Lithium cell limits the allowable power consumption of the meter. Only the RTC on the AFE is enabled in this mode. The main system function is to accurately measure blood glucose. A means of calibration is provided to account for component variations and to maintain measurement accuracy. The measurement results are stored in a data log that, upon request, can be uploaded to a PC via a USB serial cable. The data log is implemented on a non-volatile memory (EEPROM) that keeps the data in the event of battery removal or power loss. Rev 1.1 Below

Some Physics and Physiology
The Glucometer will measure D-Glucose levels from 1.0 to 35 mmol’s or the equivalent for the USA market in mg/dl. The Human finger or for that matter any part of the extremities that we can use to measure using IR/NIR/ARS, Visible light or laser coherent light is Three Dimensional, This can be defined as a Hilbert or almost Euclidian space. However we might use a combination of spectrographic techniques such ultrasonic/ temperature and light.

Conventional Glucometers have a built in error of 10-15%, the new unit will be in he region of 5%.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Welcome Jacob Zuma

UMSHIN WAMI Viva ANC Change is about to Dawn upon South Africa, and the Bad people better be ready to face their deams for the Buck stops here, The Zulu is on your door step, The Man from Natal is here and he has listened to your pain and suffering.