Monday, November 30, 2009

Soldiers are Heroe's. A true Soldier does not like war, he or she does this for duty and patriotism to a the cause of peace and security for the common good. I hate WAR, there are no winners only looser's. You can only fight evil with what it understands. Everybody has there right to their oppionion about WAR. On 9/11 we lost Mothers...,Fathers,Sisters and Brothers Family and Friends where were you when this tragedy took place. Did you loose a tear, How do you feel when a robbery takes place or policemen gets shot, or IED go's of or a child is raped or kidnapped how does this ityrany affect your day, does heroin from the poppy fields of Afganistan maybe help stop that criminal from buying his next fix from the money he madeofa tourist he knifed in New York or from illegal copies of movies or music that finance illegal trafficing of human cargo Well Anna Ng you have every right to your oppinion but when you make it make sure that it is informed OK.

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