Sunday, June 21, 2009

DA slams state's invasion of private health care

Zille argues that NHI will deepen failiures of pubilic sector

I refer to the Saturday Star Article by Xolani Mbanjwa 20th June 2009

Its amazing that a heated debate has to take place in Parliament of the failing health system and the high cost of private health care and the ever increasing costs of medical aids and their continuing reduction of benefits.

It should be understood by all that while the previous ANC government was making its mind up about antivirals and ego's were flying left right and back, lives were being lost in the hundreds of thousands. The patients bill of rights if it is ]going to be worth the paper it is written on should include the sick to,(and be honoured) and include not only right wing politicians, who listened to crack pot sweet foreign talking so called specialists with questionable back grounds. but include all opinions.

The Industry requires total transparency. And a good start would be to give a tax benefit to

the employed for payments to the health scheme against claims/benefits.

The ANC's Chairman Zweli Mkhize for the sub committee on Education on Health has

There is no doubt that the state hospitals lack funding or adequate ability to fiscally manage their resources relative to the staff patient load. Outsourcing the states facilities might be an option.

A similar method of handling day to day emergencies is to use private hospitals. Claims can be managed as they are done similar to workman compensation. The national health will only apply to South African citizens. Management of collection of National heath can be done on a similar model to a the medical aid infrastructure in South Africa.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


If Electricity is costing more lets find out ? why, Rather then telling the public that we have been having it cheap for to long by people who were not even born when the old infrastructures were set up. Electricity is a right not a luxury. Is South Africa going Backwards or forwards. Will every South African now use candles made by Sasol. Eskom if you cant do the job ship out there are plenty other private energy generation concerns that will do your jobs for less. Instead of pay increases and bonuses, why not a drop in pay, get rid of your bloated infrastructure. Your move to increase prices are inflationay and have caused Jobs to be lost, people to have lost their homes Ask Mr Zwelinzima Joseph VAVI and COSATU AND ITS Members what they Think of your price hikes ?, Do you and the staff that got millions of rands in Bonuses sleep good at night when, other South Africans are left out of the cold Mr Thulani Gcabashe.

If you are unable to do the job, recuse yourself from the position or we will demand changes. We demand a tender for change. Stop the madness before you spend more money on useless expensive power generation don’t talk green go green. We need an Accountant to run ESKOM with vision not a Bachelor of arts academic who did a course in finance for non finance managers who ran a failed money eating technology that the Europeans threw out years ago called a pebble bed reactor PBMR (Stop experimenting with our money.Well done Eskom they just put another engineer in charge when will they ever learn Mr Jacob Maroga, Well of course this guy is going to spend he’s an engineer the previous was a Bachelor of Arts Student. Sure you could have these guys on the board but not running the ship,
You need a man with a tight fist that will turn over the cents before they are spent. You have a recipe for disaster here don’t you guys ever learn. I need to catch my breath here!! I just can believe who is so incompetent to see the folly here, I mean I don’t want be personal these are great people, but you don’t run a successful company into the ground like this in 15 years, and let the consumers take the blame, how dare you !!


If Electricity is costing more lets find out ? why, Rather then telling the public that we have been having it cheap for to long by people who were not even born when the old infrastructures were set up. Electricity is a right not a luxury. Is South Africa going Backwards or forwards. Will every South African now use candles made by Sasol. Eskom if you cant do the job ship out there are plenty other private energy generation concerns that will do your jobs for less. Instead of pay increases and bonuses, why not a drop in pay, get rid of your bloated infrastructure. Your move to increase prices are inflationay and have caused Jobs to be lost, people to have lost their homes Ask Mr Zwelinzima Joseph VAVI and COSATU AND ITS Members what they Think of your price hikes ?, Do you and the staff that got millions of rands in Bonuses sleep good at night when, other South Africans are left out of the cold Mr Thulani Gcabashe.

If you are unable to do the job, recuse yourself from the position or we will demand changes. We demand a tender for change. Stop the madness before you spend more money on useless expensive power generation don’t talk green go green.
We need an Accountant to run ESKOM with vision not a Bachelor of arts academic who did a course in finance for non finance managers who ran a failed money eating technology that the Europeans threw out years ago called a pebble bed reactor PBMR (Stop experimenting with our money. Well done Eskom they just put another engineer in charge when will they ever learn Mr Jacob Maroga, Well of course this guy is going to spend he’s an engineer the previous was a Bachelor of Arts Student. Sure you could have these guys on the board but not running the ship,
You need a man with a tight fist that will turn over the cents before they are spent. You have a recipe for disaster here don’t you guys ever learn. I need to catch my breath here!! I just can believe who is so incompetent to see the folly here, I mean I don’t want be personal these are great people, but you don’t run a successful company into the ground like this in 15 years, and let the consumers take the blame, how dare you !!